Perihelion Science Fiction

Sam Bellotto Jr.

Eric M. Jones
Consulting Editor


Originally published in Perihelion Science Fiction. Free science fiction stories, science articles, comic strips, reviews, and more, on the Internet. Every month, Perihelion presents solid stories with strong plots, intriguing characters, with a sense of wonder reminiscent of the classic science fiction pulp magazines from the ’60s and ’70s. Artwork is by award winning illustrators. Articles are by experts in their fields. Established in 1967, originally as a print magazine, by Sam Bellotto Jr. and Eric M. Jones, the magazine was revisioned in 2012 as an online publication, and has been published regularly every month since. For the best in entertainment and information, bookmark Perihelion on your favorites list.

Copyright © 2013 by Casey Brillon.



Comic Strips


Casey Brillon is a student, comic illustrator, and graphic designer from Oceanside, CA. He has been drawing since 2009. His works include comic strips and alternative mini comic books. More of his work can be found at Crusty Comics.